Painting Tips

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How to Fix The Peeling Paint

How to Fix The Peeling Paint Have you ever seen a wall with the paint peeling off ? It is common and looks awful. You can read another article here that explains what causes this paint to peel off from the walls, ceilings, or surfaces. It's advisable to fix this issue as soon as possible… Continue reading How to Fix The Peeling Paint

Why Your Paint is Peeling

Why The Paint is Peeling Off It's common to see paint peeling off walls, ceilings, or surfaces. Peeling paint affects the home occupants, making the home unattractive and even causing health issues. But what causes it ? Let's understand the common reasons that cause the paint to start peeling off. 1) Water Damage If your… Continue reading Why Your Paint is Peeling

How to Paint a Door Properly

How to Paint a Door Properly It is easy to paint a door, but there are steps to do it properly to avoid any possible minor mistakes. After all, we all don't like to do repaint jobs, aren't we ? Let us elaborate on the simple steps in layman's terms on painting your door, just… Continue reading How to Paint a Door Properly

Exterior and Interior Wood Needs Protection from BAOMA Woodtone

Exterior and Interior Wood Needs Protection from BAOMA Woodtone Long-term exposure to hot and humid weather can prompt adverse reactions in wooden materials that precipitate shrinkage, warping, or swelling. For example, high temperatures mean high levels of UV light, which can affect the surface appearance of timber wood. Degradation will happen gradually on the surface… Continue reading Exterior and Interior Wood Needs Protection from BAOMA Woodtone

Say Goodbye to Wall Cracks: A DIY Handbook to Repair Structural Cracks

Say Goodbye to Wall Cracks: A DIY Handbook to Repair Structural Cracks Structural cracks in walls, ceilings, or floors can be concerning, but addressing them need not always involve calling in a contractor. This DIY handbook aims to empower you to tackle small and thin cracks yourself, saving you time and money. However, for numerous… Continue reading Say Goodbye to Wall Cracks: A DIY Handbook to Repair Structural Cracks